This is by far the shortest story (under 70 words) that I’ve ever had published. To understand it, it’s important to keep in mind the euphemistic element in the title. ‘Nuff said. Bleat!
The truly terrific people at Soft Cartel took a chance on this one and published it January 25, 2019. A big thanks!
You can read it below or by going to the publication HERE.
Norwegian Wood
J. Edward Kruft
Ever since he was roughly 11 years old, Aksel woke each morning in the same state.
Today, at 27, he did not.
It did not make him feel old, exactly.
Aging. Yes. That was it. And it came with a profound sense that this was the first of many unexpected, unwelcomed, truths.
Oddly, he found himself radiating a sound that could only be described as a bleat.
BIO (as it appeared in the original publication)
J. Edward Kruft received his MFA in fiction writing from Brooklyn College. He is a Best Short Fictions nominee, and his stories have appeared in several journals, including Jellyfish Review and MoonPark Review. He lives with his husband, Mike, and their adopted Siberian Husky, Sasha in Astoria, NY and Livingston Manor, NY. His recent fiction can be found on his Web site: www.jedwardkruft.com and he can be followed on twitter: @jedwardkruft.