To live in NYC (for me, now almost 32 years) is to love it. AND, to hate it. When it teeters to the latter, it’s probably time leave. I’m not there quite yet. But as this list-as-a-story suggests, feelings can swing widely.
Many thanks, once again, to The Daily Drunk for thinking this was, I guess, humorous/realistic/ridiculous enough to give it a chance. It appeared there May 18, 2021. It can be read below or by going to the original publication HERE.
J. Edward Kruft
The absolute best things about NYC:
- Nobody just “drops by”
- No lawn to mow
- Totally, utterly anonymous
- Elevators
- The subway
- 5th Avenue
- Parades
- Street Fairs
- Greenwich Village
- Carnegie Deli
- Williamsburg
- Visitors from all over the world
- No car to park
- Jaywalking
The absolute worst things about NYC:
- Jaywalking
- No car to park
- Visitors from all over the world
- Williamsburg
- Carnegie Deli
- Greenwich Village
- Street Fairs
- Parades
- 5th Avenue
- The subway
- Elevators
- Totally, utterly anonymous
- No lawn to mow
- Nobody, and I mean nobody, just “drops by”
BIO (as it appeared in the original publication)
J. Edward Kruft has lived in NYC for more nearly 32 years and he is Editor-in-Chief at trampset, thereby proving that the two are not mutually exclusive. His fiction is at www.jedwardkruft.com and he can be found on twitter @jedwardkruft.